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Sports Injuries Windsor

road cycling teamAt Windsor Neck & Back Care Centre, our focus is simple: to find the cause of your problem. With our objective measurements and various techniques, we’ll find the best possible way to help you recover. If you’ve been injured and are an active person, you want to get back to living your life—as quickly as you can.

Dr. Mike
is the go-to practitioner to address your sports injury. Soccer, Football, gym or running injuries and many other issues are often seen at our office. We’ll be happy to evaluate you and make our recommendations on how you can improve your health and get back to doing the things you love.

What to Expect

When you come to us with a sports injury, Dr. Mike will go in-depth to evaluate you. Once we discover the source of your concern, we’ll address it with regular chiropractic adjustments. You may also be able to benefit from our therapeutic modalities such as electric muscle stimulation or cold laser.

While your body is healing, we’ll recommend some specific movement patterns, as well as some exercises. By performing these, you can regain the strength that you need to play again. Our athletic patients benefit from continuing care, usually seeing us about once a month to stay in great shape.

Upping Your Gym Performance

We see many patients who love being active in the gym. They come to us with an injury, and we often find that it’s due to performing a movement incorrectly. Deadlifts, for example, are notoriously difficult to do the right way. We’ll show you how to perform the right movement patterns that can get you in the proper position for a deadlift.

Our Additional Modalities

When you become our patient, we may recommend a form of therapy as a part of your care. The therapies we provide include

  • Electric muscle stimulation. If you have inflammation, this machine will stimulate your muscles to get them working as they should.
  • Cold laser. This therapy penetrates deeply to help your cells repair quickly.
  • Cold therapy. Ice packs applied to your problem area can calm down inflammation.
  • Ultrasound. Inflammation is broken up and torn ligaments healed with this therapy.
  • Percussor®. The vibrations in this instrument will help relax your muscles and fascia.
  • Arthrostim
  • Schedule Your Appointment Today

    Learn more about recovering from sports injuries Windsor. Contact our team today!


    Sports Injuries Windsor, Tecumseh, LaSalle, Essex, Amherstburg | (519) 971-7770